We've done a lot and a lot of nothing since I was last on here. Nathan sister and her family drove in from Kansas a couple weeks ago. It was nice having all the cousins together, or at least most of the cousins. It's crazy how much the boys look alike. They could easily pass for brothers. While out touring West Virginia, we even had a guy ask us if the older three were triplets.
On Saturday Nathan and I both had a brother to get married!! I wasn't sure my baby brother was the marrying type, but I guess all it took was finding the right one. They were married in ND which is where Kelsey is from. Nathan's brother, Cuyler, and his wife were married in Va on the beach! We had the chance to meet her last night on their way back to KS. We love them both and are happy to have them as part of the family!! Just thought of this, but none of our siblings were married in the same state. We have TN, WV, KS, AK, ND, and Va. I guess we like to get around....
Addison's salmonella case has gotten more complicated. Of the last two samples they tested, one came back negative and the other came back positive. BUT, it was positive for a totally different strand of salmonella. Of course, they've never seen this happen so they're gonna retest her. In the mean time, they're "looking into it." I can't tell you how many times we've heard this before!
I'm sure a lot more has happened, but I'm drawing a blank on what to blog about now. But I can't forgot to wish all the father's out there a Happy Father's Day!! I've got a pretty good one out there and have inherited a few other good ones through marriage! Then of course a special Happy Father's Day to Nathan. I'm grateful for him and all he does everyday, but these days remind me to remind him that. =) Love him!!!