Saturday, March 26, 2011

Weekend Chaos

Our weekends have become part of a routine that I look forward to at the end of each week.  Addi crying for someone to change her diaper, the boys fighting over today's most popular toy, Nathan complaining about the weather or the state of West Virginia in general, the dogs barking, Addi now crying because someone is changing her diaper...what's not to love about our seemingly chaotic life?!  I say that with sarcasm, but the truth is that I adore this life!  I would be lying if I said I enjoy it all the time.  I do look forward to the end of each day when the kids are asleep and Nathan and I can relax in bed and argue over our half of the middle and what to watch on TV. 

Raising three kids can be overwhelming, but they are each a blessing that I am thankful for each day.  Their innocence is refreshing!  I love to watch how even the smallest of things can bring such joy to their lives.  And the best part is that I have Nathan to share this journey with!! 

Daddy reading the WV boating regs to Addi as she patiently waits for more pancakes!

One of the few times Millie ever wants anything to do with the kids

Boys playing with Buzz and Woody


  1. Love it! I know they keep you busy, but in a great way =)!

  2. This blog is too cute...such a great way for u to let everyone see how u guys are doing..the kids are so beautiful and they are getting so big! You are such a great mom, I don't know how you do it all!lol I wish i could meet them..maybe one day! Next time ur in Beckley let us know!

