Thursday, March 31, 2011

Jump Kraze Kraziness

The boys have been stuck inside the past few days thanks to all this lovely rain we've been getting.  Getting restless myself, I decided last minute to load the kids in the car for a trip to Beckley and take them to a place called Jump Kraze.  I somehow manage to get our grocery shopping done with three kids tagging along, but I was not crazy enough to attempt going to such a place as Jump Kraze without a sidekick so we picked up Grams along the way.  The boys had a blast!!  Daniel, like always, was quick to make new friends.  Denton, on the other hand, just wants to be where his big brother is and tries his hardest to keep up.  He had to be reminded of this a few times, but I was actually impressed at how patient he was with Denton.  He would get caught up in the moment a few times only to realize that he had left Denton behind.  When this happened, I heard him tell his new friend that they needed to wait on his brother Denton.  It was a proud mommy moment for me!!  Where were places like Jump Kraze when I was growing up? 

As always, here are some pictures of our day:


  1. Great pics of the kids, but...terrible pic of Grams! Looks like she got caught in the rain :) It was really a fun day!!!


  2. We love those bounce places. Haven't been in a long while though. :) Looks like you guys had fun!

  3. We have a place like that called Monkey Joe's. The kids love it, but mama and daddy find it overwhelming. Laela cannot play the same areas Hailey plays so it is a challenge.
    Looks like they had a blast. I cannot believe how much they have grown. Slow down babies slooow down!

